Expedition Travel

Expedition or Adventure travel is what we do when we are getting away from civilization for longer periods of time.

Trip Book

One of the final things I do in preparation for one of our adventure trips is put my Trip Book together. The Trip Book contains all the information that I have assembled. It includes the following items: Maps Permits Itinerary Menus Gear Lists Downloaded information Books Misc. Items The goal is to have one point…

Gear Lists

I am adding our travel planning check list to the site so others can use them. I will be modifying them over time as I evolve the equipment that we use and fine better items for the designated task. Using living lists I hope to better refine the gear that we use for our adventure…

White Pocket and Condors

I always enjoy the surprises I find when researching our next trip on the internet. I spend hours researching where we are planning to go looking for attractions and information. Inevitably I find a few little gems that we will be able to see. So far for our coming spring vacation I have discovered 2…