
I have worked to document all the modification that I have made to my FJ Cruiser. If you are unable to find a specific type of mod try using the search box.

Golight Stryker Bulb Replacement

I decided to replace the bulbs in my Golight Strykers with Toshiba HIR ( Halogen Infrared Reflecting ) 9011 bulbs. This bulb is supposed to produce more light than a comparable halogen bulb. I spent about $48.00 on 2 bulbs ordered them from an eBay seller. The documentation for the Stryker has no information on…

Car PC Build for DaToy

With the redo of DaToy’s electronics I decided to get away from the laptop and implement an integrated Car PC. The Computer is designed to have the following functionality: – Built in GPS using Garmin GPS 15 – Integration with the FJ Jammer using Car2PC – OBD II Support – Touch Screen Capability – Bluetooth…