
I have worked to document all the modification that I have made to my FJ Cruiser. If you are unable to find a specific type of mod try using the search box.

Engine Compartment Light

Ever opened the hood of your Toyota FJ Cruiser at night and been unable to see right? Enter my LED engine compartment light. No more searching for the head lamp or other light. When I open the hood this light comes on automatically. It utilizes a retro mercury tilt sensor switch mounted to the hood. The LED…

Rock Lights Added to DaToy

I spent some time today getting my LED rock lights installed on my Toyota FJ Cruiser. The LEDs are 1 watt and I installed 5 of them under the FJ. They are wired into a relay under the hood that is controlled by a switch in my switch console. I could have wired these directly…

All Pro Front Bumper Mods

I finally have my All Pro Off Road front bumper reinstall complete. The powder coat on the original was junk and started pealing off after a year. I figured if I was going to get it powder coated I would also make some modifications to the bumper. The first issue was do modify the bumper…